Welcome from the Director: A Global Vision with a Local Focus
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven …” Matthew 5:11-12
The Alonzo and Althea Edmiston Center for Christian Endurance Studies offers the opportunity to learn about Christianity from its longstanding historical perspective as a distinct cultural minority.
The Center was born from conversations between urban, rural, and global Christian leaders who find much in common from their position on the margins of their societies.
On one hand, there’s great commonality in that whether we are Nigerian or American, Iranian or German, Chinese or Egyptian, Christians share the same Biblical story spanning Genesis to Revelation. We are assured that God created, keeps, and will gather a people for himself.
Through our union with Christ, we share the same promise that no matter what cultural trials we may face God will empower us to endure.
On the other hand, there’s great creativity and diversity in how each community practically lives its endurance. These differences are often determined by a community's historical, cultural, and political context. In this, there’s much wisdom to be shared.
Our goal is to equip students who wish to enter this global exchange of knowledge to better understand the role of cultural hostility in the life of the believer.
As you explore our resources, work, and opportunities, we hope you'll find renewed strength to endure.

K.A. Ellis