Study Christian Endurance

The Edmiston Center promotes practical theological reflection on the challenges, skills, and stories of local and global Christians who endure on society’s margins.


Experience the Church from every tongue, tribe, and nation.

Experience the Church from every tongue, tribe, and nation.

Uncover overlooked Christian voices from across redemptive history.

Uncover overlooked Christian voices from across redemptive history.

Discover the People of God as a unique and distinct cultural minority.

Discover the People of God as a unique and distinct cultural minority.

We Study Christian Endurance.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Around the globe and throughout history, God’s people have been a unique and distinct minority among the cultures and tribes that surround their Bible-believing communities.
Our research and teaching focus on Christian endurance and opportunity in the face of challenges such as marginalization, hostility, and persecution.


We help Christian leaders and laypeople:

  1. Understand the church’s experiences as a marginal community.
  2. Apply the wisdom of those experiences to their own context.
  3. Support kingdom advance & discipleship amid challenging circumstances.

Unity & Endurance

The Edmiston Center emphasizes spiritual formation built on five principles:

  1. Prayer
  2. Discipleship
  3. Wisdom
  4. Stealth
  5. Transformation

Equipping Today’s Leaders for Tomorrow’s World

Cerificate Program

Certificate of Bible & Ethnicity at RTS Atlanta*

Empowers laypeople and pastors to engage their communities with a contextualized and covenantal approach to Scriptural endurance.

Grimke Lectures

Grimké Lecture Series

Special speakers connect local and global concerns in a prayerful, Kingdom-centered setting.

Fellowship & Community

Fellowship & Community

Provides a crossroad for seminary students to connect with pastors, ministry leaders, and laypeople in the local church.

*Courses that can be applied to a full degree if admitted to degree program.

Welcome from the Director

The Edmiston Center offers the opportunity to learn about Christianity from its longstanding historical perspective as a distinct cultural minority.

The Center was born from conversations between urban, rural, and global Christian leaders who find much in common from their position on the margins of society...



Edmiston family photo

About the Edmistons

Alonzo and Althea Edmiston were well acquainted with Christian endurance on society’s margins. They were only one generation removed from American slavery when they both felt the call to advance the holistic Gospel of Jesus Christ in the global context.

The Edmistons exemplify the connection between the local and the global, the power of Christianity on the margins, and the weaving together of many cultures for Kingdom good...

Get Involved with the Edmiston Center

Attend a Grimké Lecture

From church planting to discipleship, spiritual formation to cultural impact, to Christian living under hostility and in stealth: join us at your convenience to gain new perspectives on Christianity from around the world, one lecture at a time.

Apply for Certificate Program

Receive course credit as you deepen and contextualize the Word of God for your life and community.

Study at the Edmiston Center

Immerse yourself in God's Word; Edmiston Center credits count toward further degrees at RTS.

Upcoming Events

Be sure to check our Events Page for updates.

Visit the Edmiston Center

Connect the Local and the Global